Health is the general condition of a person’s body , mind and spirit. Generally we can say health is free from illness, injury or pain, also known as good health or healthy. It is the level of functional effectiveness of a living being. Now if we want to define health as WHO it will becomes “ a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being with not merely the absence of disease or ill-health.”
If you want to promote your health you must should careful about “health triangle.”
Combination of physical, mental and social well-being referred to as “health triangle.” These three points are to each others, giving each other the support and balance. They all need each other. If one point while fail then others also fail. The health triangle help us to understand that we cannot have success with one point while the other points are failing.
Proper amount of rest, exercise and nutrition helps to get a good physical health. It is important that we become careful about harmful substances into our bodies, such as tobacco and other drugs that can damage our bodies prematurely. Mental health is closely related with physical health. When we are able to balance our lives, people around us are likely to be happier. One the other hand means of socially healthy is you get along well in society. Few examples of socially healthy are you are able to make friends and keep them, resolve conflict without being overbearing or too submissive, can appreciate different points of view.
Most of the people do not realize the significance of good health, and even if they do, they may still ignore it. To perform our duties well we need good health worked at home or in an office. People when talk about health, usually they refer the condition of the body. Though, health does not simply mean being free from physical pain or disease.
Necessity of good health is not restricted to a particular religion. cast, creed or gender. Mind is the origin of most of the disease. When a person’s minds becomes clear and clam ,when his or her body is healthy then a person can be said healthy. Unbalanced mind results insomnia due to stress, or feel depressed, irritable and aimless.
Sorry to say, most of our aim to become happy speaks about only to the body. We try hard for money-oriented ends, such as lucrative income, status, a big house, an expensive car, jewelry and so on, because we think these things will make us happy. Rarely do we give attention to our mind and soul; we spend our time and resources in trying to fulfill our physical needs and desire. Finally we are still unable to achieve lasting peace and happiness through satisfaction of bodily needs. Cause we
To keep our body healthy whatever we eat, it does one of two things: it either nourishes us or poisons us. Over-processed and preservatives added foods acts like slow poison. In order to keep the body healthy, it is fundamental to follow a wholesome diet, consisting of fresh vegetable proteins in the form of lentils, beans, milk products, dried fruits and the like. One the other hand with healthy foods we also need sufficient sleep, fresh air, and proper physical exercise.
To keep our body healthy whatever we eat is FOOD. So food can be define anything we eat that provides energy to the body for physical and physiological activities and provides materials for body building, repair and maintenance of body tissues or supplies materials to regulate body process for protecting the body from different disease. So we must should become aware about food choice to maintain a healthy life.
সোমবার, ২১ মে, ২০১২
শুক্রবার, ১৮ মে, ২০১২
Poor nutrition: reasons and effects
It is usually, and in most cases, a combination of essential factors- Foods, Air, Water, Sunlight, Exercise, Rest, Mental Poise, Spinal Integrity and its only one predisposing cause creates symptoms of illness.
Poor nutrition or malnutrition is a common fact or a serious factor for whole life. It’s especially harmful for children. Poor nutrition also increases the risk for future life also. It increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and cancer. Malnourished child may become aggressive, anti-social and also late adolescent. Neural problem also created from poor nutrition, which leads to a lower IQ.
Some factors which are related with unhealthy or heavier life style. These are busy work lives, money problems, stress and anxiety, combined with the ease and price of obtaining processed or fast foods. All leads to people becoming heavier and unhealthier. Reasons which are responsible for poor nutrition…
1. Foods of poor quality - grown on poor soil and fed chemicals to stimulate growth. 2. Foods heated beyond their critical temperature - each food likes to be eaten at a specific temperature. 3. Frozen foods - snap frozen nutrition - at what point of nutrition were they frozen. 4. Irradiated foods - put in the same category with frozen - dead food 5. Non foods - almost anything wrapped, bagged, boxed, canned or otherwise kept together by something other than a living skin. 6. Foods picked before ripeness and shipped to destinations out of the natural growth cycle - and arriving with almost no sweetness (read as no sugars) and therefore having little value in supplying the vital elements necessary for the growth of tissue and supply of nerve force. 7.
The eating of foods that are not the most efficient source of energy transmutation for that particular species - as in the human species eating flesh foods. Consider these facts: According to statistics- Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity are responsible for an estimated 300k to 600k preventable deaths each year. The Centers for Disease Control says that good nutrition lowers the risk for many chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, some types of cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Poor eating habits often develop during childhood. Greater than 60% of youths are eating too much fat, and less than 20% eat the recommended 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. The number of over weight children has nearly doubled since'80, and a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, colon cancer, depression, anxiety, obesity, weak muscles and bones.
To solve this problem should careful about food choice; it’s storage nutrient contents and food quality….. • Foods should provide a high nutritional value. • Packed with nutritious ingredients. • Loaded with antioxidants of many different varieties. • Have a full complement of vitamins and minerals. • Would strengthen a person's immune system. • Would increase physical activity and athletic performance. • Would not contain any added sugar, any preservatives, artificial colors, or artificial flavors. • Be safe for people of all ages. • Would taste good. • Help a person live a longer and healthier life.
If you want to live longer and spend more time with your friends and family you have to become healthy. You have far more energy to spend with family and friends. You can chase your interests, take a class, go skydiving, camping, hiking or join a sports team. Your life will be fuller; you will be setting a better example. It's up to each and every one of us to look after our health. Learning about the types of foods that are good for you is crucial if you want to become a healthy person. Meal planning and tracking are a great way to ensure proper health management and progress. Your daily diet is the very first thing you should look at if you want to get a healthy life or a disease free life. We have one goal about proper nutrition, including supplementation and vitamin and mineral intake, which is essential for healthy body.
Poor nutrition or malnutrition is a common fact or a serious factor for whole life. It’s especially harmful for children. Poor nutrition also increases the risk for future life also. It increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and cancer. Malnourished child may become aggressive, anti-social and also late adolescent. Neural problem also created from poor nutrition, which leads to a lower IQ.
Some factors which are related with unhealthy or heavier life style. These are busy work lives, money problems, stress and anxiety, combined with the ease and price of obtaining processed or fast foods. All leads to people becoming heavier and unhealthier. Reasons which are responsible for poor nutrition…
1. Foods of poor quality - grown on poor soil and fed chemicals to stimulate growth. 2. Foods heated beyond their critical temperature - each food likes to be eaten at a specific temperature. 3. Frozen foods - snap frozen nutrition - at what point of nutrition were they frozen. 4. Irradiated foods - put in the same category with frozen - dead food 5. Non foods - almost anything wrapped, bagged, boxed, canned or otherwise kept together by something other than a living skin. 6. Foods picked before ripeness and shipped to destinations out of the natural growth cycle - and arriving with almost no sweetness (read as no sugars) and therefore having little value in supplying the vital elements necessary for the growth of tissue and supply of nerve force. 7.
The eating of foods that are not the most efficient source of energy transmutation for that particular species - as in the human species eating flesh foods. Consider these facts: According to statistics- Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity are responsible for an estimated 300k to 600k preventable deaths each year. The Centers for Disease Control says that good nutrition lowers the risk for many chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, some types of cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Poor eating habits often develop during childhood. Greater than 60% of youths are eating too much fat, and less than 20% eat the recommended 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. The number of over weight children has nearly doubled since'80, and a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, colon cancer, depression, anxiety, obesity, weak muscles and bones.
To solve this problem should careful about food choice; it’s storage nutrient contents and food quality….. • Foods should provide a high nutritional value. • Packed with nutritious ingredients. • Loaded with antioxidants of many different varieties. • Have a full complement of vitamins and minerals. • Would strengthen a person's immune system. • Would increase physical activity and athletic performance. • Would not contain any added sugar, any preservatives, artificial colors, or artificial flavors. • Be safe for people of all ages. • Would taste good. • Help a person live a longer and healthier life.
If you want to live longer and spend more time with your friends and family you have to become healthy. You have far more energy to spend with family and friends. You can chase your interests, take a class, go skydiving, camping, hiking or join a sports team. Your life will be fuller; you will be setting a better example. It's up to each and every one of us to look after our health. Learning about the types of foods that are good for you is crucial if you want to become a healthy person. Meal planning and tracking are a great way to ensure proper health management and progress. Your daily diet is the very first thing you should look at if you want to get a healthy life or a disease free life. We have one goal about proper nutrition, including supplementation and vitamin and mineral intake, which is essential for healthy body.
শুক্রবার, ১১ মে, ২০১২
poor nutrition and health
Poor nutrition or malnutrition is a common fact or a serious factor for whole life. It’s especially harmful for children. Poor nutrition also increases the risk for future life also. It increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and cancer. Malnourished child may become aggressive, anti-social and also late adolescent. Neural problem also created from poor nutrition, which leads to a lower IQ.
সোমবার, ৩০ এপ্রিল, ২০১২
Nutrition-learn about nutrition.
I think most of the people know about nutrition, but proper knowledge about nutrition can help you to choice right foods, especially nutritious foods. Nutrition is the science of food.The nutrients and other substances there in, their action, interaction and balance in relationship to health and diseases. The process by which the organism ingests, digests,absorbs,transports and utilizes and disposes of their end products. In addition, the nutrition must be concerned with social, economical,cultural,physiological implications of food and eating.
Now lets go, know about nutrient. Nutrient is the any chemical substance contain in food that performs one or more of the functions of food this termed as nutrient.Chemically nutrient divided into two types, these are.
Macro nutrients, which are needed by body in relatively large amount. They include- carbohydrate, protein, fat and minerals(calcium, magnesium, potassium). The three functions of macro nutrients are-
provide energy,
promote growth and development of body tissues and
regulate body functions.
The main function of macro nutrients is to provide energy, counted as calories. While each of the macro nutrients provides calories, the amount provided by each varies. Carbohydrate provides four calories per gram, protein also four while fat provides nine. For example, if the Nutrition Facts label of a given food indicates 12 g of carbohydrate, 2 g of fat, and 0 g of protein per serving, the food then has 12g carbohydrate x 4 calories = 48 calories þ 2 g fat x 4 calories = 8 calories for a total of 48 þ 8 calories = 56 calories per serving).
Macro nutrients also have specific roles in maintaining the body and contribute to the taste, texture and appearance of foods, which helps to make the diet more varied and enjoyable. This is most important for regular diet. As well as maintaining a healthy life or disease free life.
Micro nutrients, which are needed by the body in relatively small amount. They include-vitamins, essential fatty acids, trace elements (chloride, phosphorus, iron, iodine, boron, copper, cobalt ). With the need of macro nutrients you need to take micro nutrients. Which is essential for maintaining a strong body, mental sharpness, fight off disease, and bear healthy children. Deficiency of micronutrients has high burden of infection and parasites. Deficiency of micronutrients also affects the health and function of individuals. The economic and social development of communities and nations can affect by this problem.
Now lets go, know about nutrient. Nutrient is the any chemical substance contain in food that performs one or more of the functions of food this termed as nutrient.Chemically nutrient divided into two types, these are.
Macro nutrients, which are needed by body in relatively large amount. They include- carbohydrate, protein, fat and minerals(calcium, magnesium, potassium). The three functions of macro nutrients are-
provide energy,
promote growth and development of body tissues and
regulate body functions.
The main function of macro nutrients is to provide energy, counted as calories. While each of the macro nutrients provides calories, the amount provided by each varies. Carbohydrate provides four calories per gram, protein also four while fat provides nine. For example, if the Nutrition Facts label of a given food indicates 12 g of carbohydrate, 2 g of fat, and 0 g of protein per serving, the food then has 12g carbohydrate x 4 calories = 48 calories þ 2 g fat x 4 calories = 8 calories for a total of 48 þ 8 calories = 56 calories per serving).
Macro nutrients also have specific roles in maintaining the body and contribute to the taste, texture and appearance of foods, which helps to make the diet more varied and enjoyable. This is most important for regular diet. As well as maintaining a healthy life or disease free life.
Micro nutrients, which are needed by the body in relatively small amount. They include-vitamins, essential fatty acids, trace elements (chloride, phosphorus, iron, iodine, boron, copper, cobalt ). With the need of macro nutrients you need to take micro nutrients. Which is essential for maintaining a strong body, mental sharpness, fight off disease, and bear healthy children. Deficiency of micronutrients has high burden of infection and parasites. Deficiency of micronutrients also affects the health and function of individuals. The economic and social development of communities and nations can affect by this problem.
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